The KeyCode project (2020-1-FR01-KA201-080108) is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

The KeyCode project is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

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Work in Progress

This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.

Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

Partners' Institution:

Project's period (from/to):
02 November 2020 - 30 September 2022

Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management

Objectives of activities carried out:
The KeyCode aims to expand the curricula of secondary schools with educational experiences that enhance the key competences of pupils based on empathy, active citizenship and EU values.
These goals go through three stages :
- IO1 : Collect of teaching sources that have been tested about empathy, active citizenship and EU values
- IO2 : creation of short films that illustrate the teaching sources
- IO3 : creation of guidelines for teaching EU values and human rights through empathy and emotional intelligence

Description of activities carried out:
2-3/11/2020: Renasup participated in a kick-off meeting online with all the partners (Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras (Greece) CNFETP (France) University of Siena (Italy) Pixel (Italy) IC2 “Arnolfo di Cambio” (Italy) Fundatia EuroED (Romania) Društvo Humanitas (Slovenia)) for the presentation of the project and the expected productions.

12/11/2020: meeting with UGSEL (Frederic Etcheverry) for the project presentation and the expected productions and distribution of tasks for the research of teaching sources. Traduction of two templates.

From November to January: research of teaching sources and many contacts made with schools, directors, and teachers to test the teaching sources

From November to January: interviews with teachers on teaching sources and writing and sending templates for validation

14/12/2020: translation of the brochure into french

22/12/2020: internal meeting to take stock of the progress of the work

19/01/2021: dissemination on social networks to present the project

27/01/2021: Meeting with Emilie Grizaut, Karla Couasnon, Michèle Antonio, and Guillaume Garnier, teachers in a school complex, to present the project to them.

11/02/2021: Meeting with Nicolas Barbet-Vervliet from CNFETP to explain the steps of the project and its progress.

12/03/2021: Meeting with Emilie Grizaut, Michèle Antonio, Karla Couasnon and Guillaume Garnier to present 3 educational resources to us. (Pikas method, Atlas of prejudices, campaign against racism) and meeting with Nicolas Barbet-Vervliet from CNFETP to take stock of the project.

12/04/2021: Transnational meeting with all the partners to talk about the progress of the project and the IO2.

14/04/2021: Dissemination on the social network of Renasup to promote the project.

15/04/2021 to 08/07/2021: Search for a candidate for the Training Activity in Siena.

23/04/2021: Creation of a space dedicated to the project on the Renasup website.

19/05/2021: Meeting with the CNFETP to find technicians to make the short films.

20/05/2021: Sending of the 6th teaching source.

21/05/2021: Sending of the 7th teaching source.

25/05/2021 and 04/06/2021: Video shooting of the 6th teaching source

27/05/2021: Sending of the 8th teaching source.

28/05/2021 and 08/06/2021: Video shooting of the 7th teaching source.

04/06/2021: Uploading of the 3 teaching sources on the platform.

08/06/2021: Video shooting of the 8th teaching source.

29/06/2021: Distribution of PM3.An Associated partner letter to have them signed

08/07/2021: Dissemination on RenaSup's LinkedIn and Instagram page to announce that an educational resource that has been tested by a history-geography teacher with his second class has been filmed to be able to make a short film.

13/07/2021: Dissemination on RenaSup's LinkedIn and Instagram page to announce that an educational resource which has been tested by two language teachers with a class of seconde has been filmed to be able to make a short film

20/07/2021: Dissemination on RenaSup's LinkedIn and Instagram page to announce that an educational resource which has been tested by a French teacher with a class of seconde has been filmed to be able to make a short film

July 2021: Finalization of 3 shorts films and realization of subtitles

August 2021: upload the 3 videos on the KeyCode Youtube channel (with French and English subtitles)

September 2021: recruitment and sending of two teachers to the training activity in Siena from September 6 to 10

September 2021: resumption of activities around short films (contacts - online discussions - organization of tasks)

October 2021: looking for teachers to test resources and validation of 2 new teaching resources

November 2021: setting up the shoots of shorts films with the teachers

01/12/2021: Preparation of the meeting on January 13 and 14, contact several high schools to find a room to hold the meeting in Paris. (+ search for a hotel near the RenaSup offices)

03/12/2021 - 12/08/2021: Zoom relaunch of the teachers who make the videos

13/12/2021: Publication of a publication concerning our 4th video.

14/12/2021: Meeting with a teacher to test a resource

End of December: Finalization of videos 4 and 5 with proofreading + subtitling in French and English.

01/01/2022: Videos 4 uploaded to KEYCODE's Youtube channel.
Relaunch teachers for future videos

4/01/22: Video viewing number 5 before sending + corrections of subtitles
Entry of schools into the platform
Preparation for the meeting on January 13 and 14

6/01/2022: preparation of the meeting (hotel reservation and room search)
Finalizing videos 4 and 5, proofreading EN and FR subtitles, and posting video number 5 on the project's Youtube channel.

10/01/22: Preparation of meeting 13 and 14, a realization of a PowerPoint for this one.

14/01/2022 - 07/02/2022: production of video number 6 and subtitles + sending to Allessandra + posting on the project's Youtube channel

End of January: work on IO3 templates
18/01/2021: Videoconference with CNFETP

February: Visit the project's youtube channel to translate the partners' subtitles

17/02/2022: Contact school principals to put the project logo on their sites
Beginning of work on video n°7

21/02/2022: translation of subtitles

22/02/2022: start of research on IO3

02/23/2022: Relaunch of schools
Joint work with CNFETP on IO3

25/02/2022: uploading of video n°7 on the project's youtube channel

01/03/2022 - 03/15/2022: Work on IO3

10/04/2022: start of work on video n° 8

21/04/2022: Translations of the subtitles on the chair videos and sailing to a new land

23/04/2022: an interview with a teacher about a project to make a video about her wellness room

26/04/2022: organization of the meeting on 9 and 10 May

03/05/2022 and 05/05/2022: finalization of the 8th video with French and English subtitles and uploading to the platform

06/05/2022 and 8/05/2022: work on the subtitles of the ninth video (French and English) and uploading to the platform

09/05/2022: meeting in Paris

12/05/2022 to 23/05/2022: translation of video subtitles, completion of work on the IO3, and uploading of subtitles of 6 videos to the platform

24/05/2022: internal meeting with RenaSup: preparation of the final event in September

03/06/2022: invitation by email to headmasters, teachers, and experts to the final event in September: sending of a questionnaire

08/06/2022: internal meeting: update on the sending of the questionnaire for the final event

13/06/2022: re-launching the invitation to the experts for the final event

14/06/2022: Watching KeyCode videos

16/06/2022: contact with Gwenola Reto, a teacher trainer, who holds a doctorate in Education, Careerology and Ethics and a Ph.D in Education (UdeS). She is a member of the LIRFE (UCO, Angers), a collaborator at the GREE (UQAM), and is currently the director of IFUCOME (Centre de formation aux métiers de l'enseignement de l'Université Catholique de l'Ouest, in Angers). Her research interests include professional practices in teaching and school management. She is the author of the book La bienveillance à l'école (2019, Presses Universitaires de Lorraine) and co-edited the book L'école catholique est-elle une école comme les autres (2022, Les acteurs du savoir). Preparation for the final event.

24/06/2022: Reading of guidelines and corrections

11/07/2022: Discussion with Gwenola about her involvement in the final event

18/07/2022 and 19/07/2022: Start of the translation of the guidelines (IO3)

21/07/2022: Creation of a flyer to be distributed in schools to announce the final event

04/08/2022: Watching the KeyCode videos to review subtitles

22/08/2022: Review of the IO3 guidelines

23/08 and 25/08/2022: reminder letter to schools before the start of the school year to remind them of the final event

26/08/2022: watching the KeyCode videos

05/09/2022: final correction of the IO3 guidelines and mail to the training director of ISFEC (Institute for Catholic Education Training) for the final event

Results Achieved:
13/01/2021: Sending five teaching sources for validation
04/06/2021: 8 validated resources and 3 shorts films in progress
31/07/2021 : 3 shorts films validated
06/08/2021 : 3 shorts films were uploaded on the KeyCode channel (with French and English subtitles)
23/22/2021: validation of 2 teaching sources
05/12/2022: 5 shorts film uploaded on the KeyCode channel ( with french and English subtitles)
25/02/2022: 7 shorts films uploaded on the Keycode Channel (french and English subtitles)
18/03/2022: Work on IO3 completed
05/05/2022: The 8th video was uploaded on the KeyCode channel (with french and English subtitles)
08/05/2022: The 9th video was uploaded on the KeyCode channel (with french and English subtitles)
23/05/2022: downloading of subtitles for 6 videos on the platform (11 videos in total)
03/06/2022: development of a questionnaire for the final event and a PowerPoint presentation of the 3 IO
21/07/2022: the creation of a flyer to be distributed in schools to announce the last event
05/09/2022: Sending the final translation of the guidelines into French (IO3)