The KeyCode project (2020-1-FR01-KA201-080108) is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

The KeyCode project is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

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Short Films

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Take action to cultivate peaceful relationships (France)

Description of the activity carried out
Implementation of the resource in a second-year class (first year of secondary school) in a context where there are tensions between pupils, communication difficulties with teachers, discomfort in the class or with classmates, and use of vocabulary not always understood by others. The implementation has three main phases: a reflection phase, a creation phase (the pupils invent and create a tool or support that will help them to raise awareness among their peers on the issue of peaceful relations and will lead them to find solutions), the third phase is an awareness-raising phase (the pupils present their products to the other adults or pupils in the school).
Emotional Intelligence Area
Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Empathy
Students’ age
14 – 16 years old
Interpersonal skills based on empathy (active listening, observation, negotiation, non-judgemental approach…), Active EU citizenship skills (EU fundamental rights, participation, human rights, non- discrimination, inclusion, respect…)
Language of the short film
English, French