The KeyCode project (2020-1-FR01-KA201-080108) is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

The KeyCode project is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

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Teaching Resources

Relaxation and emotional balance and positive thinking (Andrea Harnn method)

The time of the workshop is variable - In general, the student is followed one hour per week (the time can be longer: the workshop replaces a course: for example: instead of the French course: 4 hours during the week)

Age Group
11 - 12
13 - 14
15 - 16

Enhancement of empathy outside school (friends, family, strangers
Development of empathic behavior at school

Needed material
The session is based on different media (support) (many games: see examples in the links: emoticards, strength cards) and also yoga sessions for school and theater.
Files are established on each student with a report of the workshops; these files circulate between parents, the school director, the head teacher, the educator, the psychologist, the speech therapist.

Emotional Intelligence Areas
Internal motivation
Social skills

These workshops are for young people with a complex educational background and fall under the ULIS (Localized Units for School Inclusion) system.
These students have various disorders, language and learning disorders, behavioural disorders, motor functions, auditory or visual function or multiple associated disorders.

Each student has a coordinator who accompanies the further study project and prepares the student for the working conditions he will encounter later. A PPS (personalized schooling project) is defined in conjunction with the teacher and class teachers and meetings are organized throughout the year with the school director, the coordinator, the head teacher, a psychologist.
They are students who most of the time feel devalued and deny any potential.
They need to regain confidence in themselves, in educators, in their capacities; they also need to work on communication with others and teamwork.

The strengths of these workshops:
The climate of confidence, fun tools and relaxation allow the student to progress on the path of self-knowledge and their emotions and to take into account the world around the students.
Often, the students gets to tackle subjects he had given up.

Limits :
When students experience very complicated stories, it is difficult to “unravel” their journey.

Lesson Plan
1) The first phase begins with the observation of the student and several discussions with the teachers to try to understand the student's functioning, their blockages, their difficulties.
The students are asked (through games) to project themselves positively (staircase game, writing a positive sentence for themselves that they write in class).

2)To work on communication with other students, we can play with the 5 communication cards: we distribute a role to each student without telling the others what role it is and the students imagine a play in respect of the others.
To get the students to express and share their emotions, we use the goose game where the boxes are for example replaced by questions about their experience during the internship (tell about your internship; what did you learn?; From what were you afraid?)

3)To work on social interactions, they are told a story by asking them what they could have done to make it better.

In order for students to learn to recognize their strengths, we can play with the positron game (strength cards), everyone must choose a card, imagine what they can do to improve their strengths and set a goal to set up.

A liaison book is circulated between parents, educators, psychologist and speech therapist and summarizes the different objectives set up with the student. The regular discussion between all the actors of the project makes it possible to note the student's progress.