The KeyCode project (2020-1-FR01-KA201-080108) is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

The KeyCode project is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

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Teaching Resources

Pedagogy of the heart - Village des sources

2 days

Age Group
11 - 12
13 - 14
15 - 16

Promotion of EU citizenship, EU and democratic values and human rights
Enhancement of empathy outside school (friends, family, strangers
Development of empathic behavior at school

Needed material
A place of accommodation in nature that can accommodate school groups

Emotional Intelligence Areas
Internal motivation
Social skills

The ‘Village des sources’ enables students to develop psycho-social skills from the "common base of knowledge, skills and culture" recommended by the Ministry of Education.

The animation was built around "activities that arouse the interest of the students", mobilise their experiences and help them to establish a climate of trust with each other, to find their place within the group, to value them for what they are and to free their speech.

Emphasis is placed on the rejection of exclusion and discrimination ; everyone is invited to be open to otherness and to develop their own potential.

Strengths :
- awareness of the notion of team, of living together
- awareness of its value and power of action
- realize the impact of words on people
- openness to difference, meeting other people
- connection to nature
- variety of activities that punctuate the two days : games, moments of interiority, walks, etc.
- adaptation of the facilitation team to the age and concerns of the class (the programme can be adapted)

Weaknesses :
For example: Difficulties of students to agree on the definition of words and their perception.
and also : The limits of impact on students with severe psychological problems

Various workshops and games are proposed to the students (see the attached programme) and punctuate the two days that the students will spend in the village. The exercises focus, among other things, on the place of each person in the group, awareness of the environment, self-assertion, managing emotions, the responsibility of each person in living together, welcoming differences.
The stay ends with an evaluation of the course completed and a commitment for oneself and for the group in the future.

Lesson Plan
- Day 1
Activities : "hello", activities around the first name, games around the first name, saying something about oneself, "ice-breaker" games, the "Gordian knot" game, a walk in nature and time for interiority, time for exchange and sharing to teach the student to value himself, to develop self-confidence, to take into account his interlocutors and to engage in constructive dialogue.

- Day 2
Activities : reflection on emotions, body expression, playing with labels, expression of feelings, to develop self-confidence and respect for others, learning to distance oneself from one's prejudices, learning to behave ethically and responsibly towards others and the environment, knowing how to express one's inner life, reflecting on the meaning of commitment and participating in the collective life of the class.

At the end of the two days, the students evaluate the course taken and make individual and collective commitments. The teacher is invited to continue the process experienced in the village.

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