The KeyCode project (2020-1-FR01-KA201-080108) is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

The KeyCode project is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

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Teaching Resources

Take action to cultivate peaceful relationships

3 hours

Age Group
13 - 14
15 - 16

Enhancement of empathy outside school (friends, family, strangers
Development of empathic behavior at school

Needed material
- Classroom (table groups)
- A3 paper sheet (1 per group)
- 3 pen per pupils (1 black, 1 red and 1 green)
- 1 whiteboard
- 3 whiteboard markers (1 black, 1 red, 1 green)
- Something to take pictures
- A stopwatch
- Small sheet of paper
- Post-it package
- Various material for the final realization (board game, quiz, video, poster campaign)

Emotional Intelligence Areas
Social skills

Please describe the teaching source taking into consideration:
- the strengths and weaknesses
- the traditional way on how to use it
- the necessary adaptation to use it through empathy and emotional intelli-gence

Please make sure the length of this section is between 200 and 400 words

Setting up the source in a class (half of the class) in a context where tensions reign between the pupils, communication difficulties with teachers, discomfort in the class or with classmates, the use of a vocabulary not always understood by others)
There are three main phases to the implementation:
- the first phase is a reflection phase: reflection in groups (of three) and then sharing with the class
- the second phase is a creation phase: the pupils invent and create a tool or a support that will help them to raise awareness among their peers on the issue of peaceful relations and will lead them to find solutions
- the third phase is an awareness-raising phase: the pupils present their production to other adults or pupils in the school.

Strong points :
- development of psycho-social skills
- free expression of each pupil
- involvement of pupils in a project dynamic
- awareness-raising by peers

Lesson Plan
Step 1: Write the following questions in black on the back of the left-hand side of the board, leaving the centre free for pupils' ideas: "What creates situations of misunderstanding within a school? What causes suffering in an institution? "
- Individual reflection: 3 minutes: each pupil writes down 1 to 3 key words in black on the large sheet of paper placed in the center of the table
- Group reflection: 5 minutes (one pupil is a mediator): advice: the adult should try to keep his/her distance. Pupils should be able to exchange freely, without feeling "controlled".
- Sharing with the class: 5 minutes: the pupils dictate their ideas to the adult who writes them down in black on the board. It is important that the adult does not make any comments
- Class discussion and reflection: 3 to 5 minutes: the pupils raise their hands to react and discuss with the class. The adult adopts a welcoming and non-judgmental stance.
Step 2: Write in red: what might a person feel when they are in a situation of misunderstanding? What behaviours or attitudes will a person in pain have within the institution?
The procedure is the same as for step 1.
Step 3: Write in green on the back of the right-hand panel: What solutions would be possible to avoid situations of misunderstanding? What solutions would be possible to stop situations of misunderstanding?
Same procedure except for the class reflection: 2 x 5 minutes: all the pupils reflect before writing the ideas on the board. All the pupils sit in a U-shape or in a semicircle facing the board (standing or sitting). 2 or 3 pupils volunteer to act as mediators. The adult leaves the classroom for 5 minutes to let the pupils discuss their ideas.
Step 4: close the reflection phase: 3 minutes
Ask the pupils to react to the tricolor word cloud.
Take a picture of the whiteboard!
For the next phase, enter all the ideas into a table, sorting the words by stage and alphabetical order.
Provide one copy of the table per pupil, preferably in color.
Pupils choose a type of creation. It is about creating a support (game, activity) that can be used by pupils to make them think about what is relational suffering within an establishment but also on their ability to avoid and resolve these situations of relational incomprehension.
Step 1: imagine: 15 minutes per group to find an idea for realization: think about the material, the time, the target audience and pooling: each group goes to the board to present their idea to the class
Step 2: Choose: pupils discuss among themselves to choose the best idea(s)
Step 3: Carry out
Step 4: Test
Pupils volunteer to play the role of ambassadors and present the achievement: to head teachers from other classes and to pupils from other classe

Please outline how to assess the skills and competences acquired by the stu-dents

-During the awareness phase: the assessment of skills is possible when the pu-pils are able in turn to lead an activity that calls on their psycho-social skills and their empathy