The KeyCode project (2020-1-FR01-KA201-080108) is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

The KeyCode project is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

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Short Films

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Observe the change (Romania)

Description of the activity carried out
A video in which students notice changes in their peers. The students were asked to form two lines and each to find a peer (the one standing in front of them) in the opposite line. The students were demanded to observe their peers’ appearance in detail. Then in turn, the students from each line turned back to back and change something twice. After each change, the students were asked to notice the differences and to say how they felt during the activity and why it is important to notice changes in their colleagues. The answers given showed how interested in the activity they were and that it is important to notice changes in their peers so that they could help them even when help was not asked for.
Emotional Intelligence Area
Self-awareness, Social skills
Teaching Sources connected
Students’ age
11 – 13 years old
Interpersonal skills based on empathy (active listening, observation, negotiation, non-judgemental approach…)
Language of the short film