The KeyCode project (2020-1-FR01-KA201-080108) is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

The KeyCode project is funded, by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of addressing the challenges that young students face in consolidating their European identity.

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Guidelines for Teachers

Module 3
Educational Activities

The third Area of KeyCode Guidelines is devoted to the analysis of practical examples of various activities implemented during the project at a national level. This chapter is organized through 5 Cards presenting exemplary and motivational best practices guiding teachers on the successful planning and implementation of classroom learning paths.

Each Card represents a learning path (module) that connects emotional intelligence to the promotion of EU fundamental values. The activities included in each Card have been adopted by the various School Partners during the project and the involved teachers have had the opportunity to evaluate their impact on the school environment. In particular, the Cards select those activities that have been considered as the most effective on a specific critical issue at school (such as bullying, discrimination, marginalization of students from vulnerable groups, lack of self-awareness and recognition of fundamental values).

The Cards address at least 2 different objectives and 3 different areas of emotional intelligence which are thus tackled. Each Card includes at least 3 different activities taken for the Project’s Teaching Sources (IO1) and describes a path that should be carried out consistently and not occasionally in the involved class to maximise its effects. It is also possible for teachers to use multiple Cards in defining their individual learning objectives and learning paths towards inclusion and the development of empathy with reference to the diverse issues that each class may present.

Education to empathy and to EU values The activity consists of a multicultural meal where each participant will contribute a single dish / gastronomic drink typical of their region / culture, explaining the recipe and its origins or historical background and the relevance it has for itself and for its culture
I walk with Vanessa The activity consists of a multicultural meal where each participant will contribute a single dish / gastronomic drink typical of their region / culture, explaining the recipe and its origins or historical background and the relevance it has for itself and for its culture
The perfect square The activity consists of a multicultural meal where each participant will contribute a single dish / gastronomic drink typical of their region / culture, explaining the recipe and its origins or historical background and the relevance it has for itself and for its culture
Teaching students valuing diversity The activity consists of a multicultural meal where each participant will contribute a single dish / gastronomic drink typical of their region / culture, explaining the recipe and its origins or historical background and the relevance it has for itself and for its culture
Fighting Discrimination The activity consists of a multicultural meal where each participant will contribute a single dish / gastronomic drink typical of their region / culture, explaining the recipe and its origins or historical background and the relevance it has for itself and for its culture

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